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Overview weekly celebrations in churches of the Parish St.Jacobus in Enschede:

church  day and time  special weekly celebrations

H. Jozef

Tu. 19.00 - 19.30 u

We. 09.30 u.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. (Entrance sacristy)

Eucharistieviering of woord- en communieviering

St. Jacobus

Mo. 17.45 - 18.15 u and
Mo. 18.15 - 18.45 u

Fr.  09.30 - 10.00 u.

Za. 12.00 u

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Afterwarts there will be an daarna 
Eucharist Massand a possibility for confess.

Every fridaymorning Eucharistieviering of woco-v.

Every first saturday of the month: Angelusviering

St. Jan / H. Michael



Verrijzenis des Heren

Th. 09.30 u. 

Eucharistieviering or woord- en communieviering

De Roef, Past.Geertmanstr. 17

Th. 09.30 u.

Gebedsdienst or woord- en communieviering

De Kajuit
Ariënstaete kapel

Th. 09.30 u. 
Fr.  19.00 u

Gebedsdienst or woord- en communieviering